The Generators


"Taking advantage of and creating opportunities to connect with other Filmmaking Labs alumni outside of class to practice what we've learned in the Labs has been -- invaluable. It has helped me form a community of colleagues, collaborators, and friends who support my creative work, and it has helped me understand and practice the Technique™. My creative partner and I utilized the generators to develop our scripts and prepare for rehearsal and shooting, and we've also been using them to develop my script. For me, that kind of community-based, outside-of-class practice has been a crucial bridge from learning to implementation."



Deepening Craft

Creating Original Material

Finding your Artistic Collaborators

Alumni Meet Ups! Come connect, work on your craft, and develop your projects!

Live In-Person and Online Generators are happening all the time!

As a JSFL Alum, you get exclusive access to this incredible community - giving you the chance to practice concepts and work on material together!

All over the World, Alumni are gathering together to practice the tools and concepts of The Technique™.

Developing projects, starting companies, and building communities of support. 

Whether it’s attending a Generator in person or diving into a weekly Online “Happy Hour”, there are pathways of support to stay connected and inspired!

Regular online Generators (aka Happy Hours) are Mon 11am PT & Wed 6pm PT