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03.25.2018 Sheva Carr

Shout out to Sheva Carr (Alumni '09, '11, '15) for all her work raising gender equity awareness in the industry. As Co-Vice President of Pathways to Peace and CEO of HeartAmbassadors, Sheva spoke at the UN Film Panel in NYC this past March as she and others discussed gender equality leaders in film, media, and how to leverage media to highlight women and girls’ voices. Keep it up Sheva!


Congrats to the Alumni of the 2018 March LA Journey Lab!

Congrats to the Alumni of the 2018 March LA Journey Lab! Congrats to Alexa Karolinski, Britt Lower, Dustin Rush, Jessica Redenbach, Karlee Holden, Kian Morr, Laura Silverman, Lisbeth Kennelly, Maria Demopoulos, May Yeung, Melanie Holmes, Nadia Townsend, Rosson Crow, Samantha Kurtzman-Counter, and Sofia Banzhaf!


Congrats to the Alumni of the 2018 February LA Action Lab!

Congrats to the Alumni of the 2018 February LA Action Lab! Congrats to Alexa Karolinski, Brittany Lower, Caroline Day, Daniela Schmidt, Delacey Skinner, Dustin Rush, Erika Loubek, Felicia Pride, Gabriel Garcia, Jess Kantor, Jessica Sharzar, Kian Moor, Lauren Merage, Lizzie Brochure, Melanie Holmes, Melanie Notinger, Michael Litwak, Robert Sobul, Ryan Jones, Simone McAullay, Stephanie Allain Bray, Stiles White, Tony Saltzman, and Tyler Chase!


Congrats to the Alumni of the 2018 January LA Feeling Lab!

Congrats to Brooke Berman, Stephanie Allain Bray, Lizzie Brochere, Amy Gross, Jessica Kantor, Nancy Kates, Junot Lee, Alexander Macnicoll, Simone Mcaullay, Tracy Oliver, Jessica Redenbach, Dustin Rush, Martine Syms, Kim Thompson, and Scot Hung Tran!
